

My dear Friend
My dear friend,
How are you? I'll be thinking of writing you a letter for a few days. Today is the time for that. I have a lot to tell you. Today I have to tell you everything that is on my mind.
Do you know how many years it has been since our friendship began? A year has passed. But that is not to say that our friendship lasted only a year.
You have always been a wonder for me. And that your thoughts and actions were different to mine. When others noticed your lack, I saw a good friend in you. I wanted your friendship for the rest of my life. While talking to you I learned to forget my worries and began to laugh. I always prayed that my friend would be with me. I ignored other friends for you. There was nothing in my life that I didn't tell you.
I still don't know why you left me. I don't think about it, but I always remember you. You stood by me to change my isolation when I was alone, but you left me alone and went again. I haven't shed my tears since then, I haven't slept, I hated food, always remembered the good moments with you, and kept crying for you. It's a very bad part of my life that I do not even want to remember.
But today it is not like that, I realized that many people were eager for my friendship. I'm happily moving on with my life today. Your silence once hurt me and taught me a lot. Thanks for everything that you did for me. I will never forget your friendship. Fighting with you and being angry is not to hurt you except out of love for you, because so sure you won't leave me. I'm sorry If I hurt you with words or looks.
I still want your friendship. But I can't be your friend like I used to. Because I still have not forgotten the moments you hurt me. No one can erase it with me even with my death but I can forgive you.
Sometimes you may feel sad when you read this letter, but I was crying until I finished writing. You're true "we haven't been able to understand each other yet". Maybe that's the big problem between us. My pride in having fully understood you are gone.
Thank you for being my best friend for a while. I'll wait for your friendship. when I'm dead, my soul will wait for you but you never have to see my soul.
I stop writing in the joy of putting down all the burden on my mind before you.

with lots of love
your old friend

© Young_author