

She..my she..
It was donkeys years ago..so long ago, that I can't remember..not that I have a great memory, but yeah, long ago..she was so pretty, so cute. she held my hand, she kissed me..on the lips, mind you..she whispered sweet nothings in my ear..the way she opened the back door for me to enter.. while her parents were sleeping in the next room..the way she coyly said I couldn't touch her because it was the wrong time of the month..and yeah, the way she ensured I never went away unsatisfied..she was SHE.. passionate, lovely, beautiful..she was she..

the way she devoured my mouth, drew the breath from my mouth, my ears, my face, my.....

the way she said my name..

the sunshine.. here today, gone tomorrow.. story of most people's lives..

and damn, why did I grow up..and ........ where is she?