

It's funny how much you can forget from your childhood. I was going through some of my old books from when I was younger and I found a bunch of childrens poetry books. Makes me wonder if those books inspired me to start writing poetry...

They're all Scholastic books so I'm fairly certain that I got them in elementary school. When I found them I remembered that I used to have a stack of books next to my bed, poem books and joke books. I would read them whenever I was having trouble sleeping, which happened a lot because I have terrible insomnia.

I decided to reread some of the poems and it was like childhood memories came flooding back. A lot of them were pretty shitty memories but not all of it was bad. I think the thing I love most about poems is just being able to write down how you really feel in just a few words. You can never really know the true inspiration behind a poem unless you're the one who wrote it.

Most of my poetry was inspired from bad memories or just bad days in my life. Which is why most of it is really depressing. I hope one day I'll be able to write some more positive and uplifting poetry. But until then I'm just going to keep writing because it's what I love to do.

No matter what anyone says, don't stop doing the things you truly love.

© Sam T. Parker