

The boy who feel down a weld
There was this young boy name davice one day he was walking to go rench some water from the weld but when he arrived it was completly empty he had no water to drink so he lead over to make sure when he slipt and fell in . His hearth started to pund as a screamed when he fall down he black out for ten seconds he got up and decided to shout to see if a passer by would hear him and help as a started to become weak . He felt a pain in his chest then he saw a old wodden ladder that was broken . In a glance he fixed it with peaces of torn fabrice he used from his shirt he climmed up and he held on to some rocks as the ladder broke he felt so scared that he tought he would not make it he held on for a half an our his hand was hurting and he had brouces he then climed out he was overwelmed when he saw his mom she ran and huge him and she said she looked for him he was play later won he didn't want What happen to him to happen to other so he became a owner of water company all over the world ..... The end

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