

Thank You
Thank you for the good times,
and thank you for the bad.
Thank you for showing me the strength
I never knew I had.
Thank you for the broken dreams
that weren't meant to come true.
Thank you for introducing me
to the me left after you.
Thank you for the ending
that shattered everything left whole.
But most of all, I thank you
for the walls within my soul,
I will never hurt again.
Not the way
I bled for you.
I lined them with explosives
so no one could get through.
Thank you for the memories,
the good times and the bad,
the love and the heartache
that nearly drove me insane but instead left me a little mad.
I thank you, cuz you made me
take a long hard look within myself.
What I saw did change me,
I'll not be her again.
An emptiness so empty
that it echoes in your brain.
So thank you for the breaking,
I needed that to fix my soul.
© kristy ellison flake