

The Fashion Explosion (Part 5 of 6)
Detective Alec Green's Mystery Stories*

As time passes by......

Adira and Felix focused on healing her scar. Adira started eating more liquid and creamy foods. Such as mashed potatoes, plain soups, plantains, porridge and protein shakes. Felix suggested the protein shake and it took her a while to agree on consuming it. For snacking its soft fruits, milk shakes, ice cream and Marshmallows. While she was keeping healthy and fit. Felix helped Adira practice mouth exercises because he noticed her cheek still hurts while she talked and even ate.

As her wound healing process progresses, Felix would work on helping Adira eat more soft based foods like bread. Everything he does is suggested by Adira's nurse but there are a few things that they tried on their own as well. Nurse Hailey would visit them every Friday as promised to make sure Adira's scar was healed properly. Despite her breaking the rules by talking. Adira's scar gradually becomes smoother and softer. Eventually the wound did heal completely but Adira remained with a permanent scar.

Nurse Hailey suggested for Adira to give the plastic survey a try but Adira refused. She prefers to own her scar rather than to hide it and Felix supported Adira on her decision. Nurse Hailey understood why Adira made her decision. The nurse told the married couple some information about Adira's scar before she left.

The nurse said, ''although scars are normally permanent. It can fade over a period of up to two years and may not unlikely fade any more after the two year mark. So Adira still has a chance of having her scar fade away naturally.''

Knowing that Adira's scar is completely healed and no longer needs to wear plasters on her face. Made Adira free to do what she always enjoys doing and that is eating any solid foods of her choice. That is like heaven on a plate for Adira after such a long period of time. Also, to celebrate they brought cake to enjoy.

Even though Adira's scar was healing or not, Felix would always take Adira on date nights every Friday. On date nights, Felix and Adira would go to restaurants, concerts, plays, to the movies and sometimes to watch the sunset by the shore. Any romantic ideas they could think of. They will try it together and this became their tradition after spending the whole week working.

As they spent more time together, the married couple's relationship grew stronger by the day. They eventually fell in love with one another and their friendship evolved to solidity. As for Adira and Astra's relationship, they grew closer. Astra still calls Adira her friend but sometimes she would call her mommy as well. Adira does not mind it at all, she was just happy to know that Astra likes having her around. Adira knows that eventually Astra will grow up to understand their relationship better.

On Saturdays, is where Felix and his family would spend their family time. They would go out and have fun together. Just like how he did it with Astra, when it was only the both of them in the picture. Now that Adira and Felix got married, Felix wants her to be included in this tradition of theirs. They would go to the zoo, public park, arcades, pizzeria restaurants, children' parties and concerts. Felix and Adira would even take Astra to her swimming class every Wednesday as well.

They also have a blast whenever they visit the savannah. As Adira tries to teach Felix and Astra how to play cricket. Felix would learn to bat and Astra, how to bowl the ball. Astra would always choose the ball because she enjoys throwing it and sometimes she doesn't at all. 

Astra would run away with the ball and laugh as Adira and Felix tried to catch her. This leaves Felix to be the batsman. Well......he can not even bat a ball to save his life and when he finally got it. They would have to grab their stuff, even lift up Astra and run because the ball would hit someone or fall into someone's picnic basket.

At home they would play in the yard and sometimes video games together. Astra started doing well by handling the game controller on her own. She even dances everytime she makes a score. While Adira and Felix battle against each other in every game they play. At evening times, the family would take Astra on the beach to watch the sunset and the stars together. This is something Astra personally loves because all she likes to do is play astronaut in her spare time. 

The stars at night even remind her of her late biological mother. Making Astra feel a little connection with her. Adira realized that Astra wants to be an astronaut just to be closer to her mother. This is because, every time they visit the beach at night. She sees Astra trying to stretch her arms to reach the stars and when she doesn't, it makes her feel a bit sad. So Adira would play catch the stars with her as a little game. Just to see her laugh and enjoy the moment.

New years came around and Adira started vomiting. She thought it was food poisoning and Felix felt consumed for her. So he left Astra at home with the babysitter and took Adira straight to the hospital. Alec and Anjali came to support them, and were asked to stay in the waiting room. While Felix and Adira sat in the doctor's office complaining about vomiting and dizziness. The doctor listened to their complaints and gave Adira a routine check up. When he was done, the doctor sat back down on his chair and shared the cause of the problem.

''Adira, you don't have food poisoning,'' The doctor said.

''So what is the cause of her vomiting, fatigue and cramps?'' Felix asked, looking a bit worried.

''Felix I understand your concerns but everything Adira is going through is all symptoms of pregnancy. She is three months pregnant.'' The doctor explained.

''Wait....what! Oh thank you doctor.'' Felix said.

Shaking his hand and then giving Adira who was covering her mouth shock, a kiss on the cheek.

''Yes! We're pregnant!'' Felix shouted. 

He then lifted Adira in his arms and spinned around. This made the doctor smile and even laugh but Adira can not take another spin. Adira was feeling like puking.

''Haha. Felix, put me down now please. I can't take another spin, I might puke.'' She asked while covering her mouth.

''Oh sorry honey,'' Felix said and put her gently back down on the chair. 

He then ran outside to give Alec and Anjali a hug before telling them the good news.

''I am pregnant again! Woohoo!'' Felix said, pumping his fists in the air. 

''We are pregnant! Everyone my wife is pregnant!'' Felix said as he ran down the hallway. Everyone laughed, even Adira after overhearing how silly Felix was acting.

''You are very lucky. Your husband loves you alot.'' The doctor said and Adira turned to him and smiled.

''I know. Thank you so much doc, you made our day. I can't wait to go home and tell my daughter Astra.'' Adira said in excitement. Alec and Anjali came to the doctor's office to congratulate her.

At home....

Felix and Adira told Astra who only wanted to hug her stomach. Adira even phoned her mother and told her the good news. For the rest of the day, Adira was treated like royalty. She could not move an inch, not even to go to the toilet. Adira was a bit upset about it, so Felix called her mother to stay at their place to help take care of her. Together Felix and his mother-in-law teamed up to take care of Adira and became an unstoppable duo. 

So Adira was stuck in bed until she was able to convince them that she needed freedom. Felix took over Adira's photography gigs since he knows about photography himself. He does not mind juggling two jobs to make sure that his wife and unborn child stays healthy. 

Thankfully, Alec gave him some freedom to balance the both jobs.

© Copyright 2022 by Chelsea K. Jack. All rights reserved.