

Peanut Butter Trick
Ever since my Nanna was still alive I have very well known I hated peanut butter. I know this was the time frame because My Nanna gave it to me. My Dad, on the other hand, loves it. So, he was having a sandwhich and I jokingly stole it off of him. "Go on, eat it," he said. I took a bite and didn't taste the penut butter straight away. I assumed he was having a vegimite sandwhich. Through my mouthful I asked him what it was. "peanut butter," he laughed. I immediately shoved my hand in my mouth to retrieve the food. I laughed and then went to the kitchen to both throw out the eaten food and wash the taste out with water. It was hillarious. I had fun for the rest of the night
#storytime #peanutbutter #peanuts #butter #joke #prank #funny #story #shortstory
© Amelia Newberry