

A new chapter
To my friends, family, followers, and anyone I may encounter on my journey:

(I've committed to a 48-hour vow of silence to reflect on my upcoming journey and to find the right word to share my thoughts and plans and purpose with you all)

As many of you may know, my healing journey has evolved into a spiritual awakening of sorts. I've been led to a point in this journey where I'm being required to level up. The lessons I've learned in life, the words I speak, and the writings that spill from my soul are empty words if my life doesn't reflect them.

So, this next step of personal evolution for me is for my healing journey to become more than metaphorical. I believe I have a purpose for being on this earth. Or maybe my purpose is simply my journey. I believe that a large part of our own suffering comes from fighting against what is meant for us and trying to hold onto or obtain what is not meant for us. I'm tired of suffering..... as scary as the unknown is to me, that's where I'm at, and I'm headed deeper into that great, vast, wonderful, terrifying unknown!

In 12 short days from now on June the 15th, I'm leaving my hometown, the only state that I've ever been at home in, and everything that's familiar to me. It's the start of a new chapter in the book that is my life! The title of this chapter is Simple Sue's spiritial journey (literally) of healing, evolving, self-love, and servitude. Or, in short, Simple Sue's adventures 😊 Ultimately, my destination is about 6 states away, a 26-hour drive if I were to drive straight there. Since this chapter is about the journey rather than the destination, I'm not. It may take me a week to get there. It may take a year.

I'm taking a very minimum amount of things with me, including resources and funds. I don't know a single person between kentucky and my ultimate destination. I'll be a stranger in a strange land far from what I've known.

Since this is already longer than I intended and not all of you enjoy reading like I do, I think this is a good place to be continued....... if anyone is interested in knowing the rest of this or following Simple Sue's adventures, right now would be a great time to hit the like, let me know, and show some love and support.

© Simple Sue