

Mother Nature's Cry
From the day i was born
I was the cutest of all
I was growing hapilly and could dress up with the lights of the sun and the moon.
I was shining in splendour
I could cloth myself with clouds and with stars and was free to move dance and sing.
My beauty could not be compared.
I was clothed in colours and in fragrance of flowers and of nature
I was the proud daughter of the Creator.

I was living in harmony with all the other creations from the Creator
The birds and the trees and the mountains and the seas and all the living things i embraced and we were in peace.

But still I did not know the real purpose of my creation until one day.
I was there to assist the birth of the human race.
I was told to protect them to nourish and to care.
I was so happy to hear that they considered me as their mother.
I knew i could perform the duty of a mother and cherish and love them and that we will live happily.
I was there and took care and as a mother cherished and nourished and gave my very best as they grew.

While watching them grow i could see a dramatic change in their hearts, in their lives and in their attitudes towards me and towards all the other creations.
They were no more the same creation as before.
Something was not right with them.

I was wondering what happened to this creation who was once so peaceful and loving as they grew up.
How could they change so fast?
They could not even live in harmony and in peace with their own kinds.
They were always hurting each other.
They poluted the river and the sea.
They poluted the air and the sky and even I could not breathe and start suffocating.

They were always blasting with their missiles and bombs everywhere on the land and in the sky and into the sea killing all the other living things which lived in harmony with me.

I am so hurt and bruised and i can't even breathe.
My beauty has gone.
The light in me has started to fade away.
They have torn apart my clothes and i am bleeding to death.

My nature and my assignment as a mother was to protect, nourish and to care for the human race but now i am so weak and i dont know anymore what must i do?

I am slowly dying and i am in pain and i am crying.
My own children whom i nourished and cared for are killing me.

Its so sad as the Creator is also watching patiently and i can see tears falling from His eyes.

I still have hope that one day my beauty and my life will be restored and that i will still be able to love and to care for my children, the human race and live in peace and harmony with them for ever.

Mother Nature