

My story of Mental illness 4
As Salamu alykum !
#writcofamily I hope by the God's grace you all are doing very well,
And this is last part of my story...

Eventually,I just isolated myself in my
room.I spent long hours alone in my room.I would come home and feel so exhausted from all of the voices in my head that I would just sleep to block it all out. I didn’t want to wake up because living was a nightmare. I felt sick with the fear of night time because that’s when the voices got even louder.I remember weeping almost every night for months.Weeping for reasons as unknown to me as to anyone else.

I just didn't want to be hooked to pills.I took something in the morning to get me going and something at night to help me sleep.The medications only seemed to deaden my feelings and make me feel detached from everyone.It was like having pain signals turned off. There was no longer any sign coming from my body or brain that something might be wrong. I felt “fine” but relationships with family and friends still went to hell.

And in that phase of my life I was all alone. Bcz I was thinking nobody can understand me and may be I couldn't make them understand what the hell I'm feeling.The scariest thing about my whole process is that the only person who can truly help me is me.

© Mehack:-)