

A Lesson That Every one needs to Understand Part 2
Many times in life, we look at things owned by someone else and desire to own them . We feel it in unfair for the other person to have it, while we don't. The feeling of envy and resentment towards others' possession or achievements is known as Jealous . It make us feel unhappy and make us angry. It is important that we learn to identify this feeling and the ways to control it . So let us move to the story .

The Tale of Kake (The Crow)
Kake, a crow, woke up one morning and looked around from his tree. He did not have much to do that day. He cleared his throat and cawed a few times. Suddenly, he heard a cuckoo,beautiful singing song. Kake enjoyed the song for sometime, but graduaully, started feeling angry to cuckoo
Why can't I sing so well?
But soon he checked himself and throught,
Wait Wait Why should I feel jealous. Instead,I should learn how to sing from cuckoo .

Soon ,He flew around for while, looking for cuckoo, finally found her Courteously,, Kake asked the cuckoo ' Will you teach me how to sing like you ? ' The cuckoo was suspicious of Kake's intentions. Very hesitantly she replied, Yes But only one condition . You should come early day at sunrise. Kake agreed

Then we can start the training from tomorrow Cuckoo said and flew away .

Kake liked sleeping very much. he had never woken up before sunrise until now.
But he was also very keen on starting the training. So, he set an alarm on his clock . Next morning, Kake woke up and went to singing class. The Cuckoo was waiting impatiently. Cuckoo sang Coo... Coo... Kake tried singing but no matter what did, he was only able sing Caw...Caw... The cuckoo waited. sometime, but eventually lost her patience and said you can't do it please find someone else to train .

Kake was so sad . He returned to his nest, dejected. He then saw a peacock dancing ''The peacock is so colourful, and I am black. He dances so well too!'' Feeling Jealous again. He went to peacock and said Can you teach me dance ? Peacock said Sure! Watch me and dance
Kake spread his tail feathers and jumped to the beat. 'This is not at all right.
Kake tired Again and Again but he couldn't dance like peacock .
You can't dance properly please leave me and find someone else to teach you dance.
saying this peacock flew away.

Disappointed, Kake flew back to nest. He was jealosy of cuckoo and peacock.
How can I master at least one thing? Kake thought himself. Just then he saw some grains in the backyard of a house. He cawed loudly calling out to his family and friends. They all had a nice meal . Kake understood that he can't sing or dance . But I csn share his meal to his family and friends. He was not longer Jealosy of cuckoo and the peacock. He realised that everyone is special in their own way

Moral of the Story: Jealousy can make us sad and angry, and makes us overlook our own specialities; so we should never feel jealous.
