

The waitress' eyes grew wide at the crumpled paper the woman had handed with the money.
"Help," it read.
When she looked up, the woman was gone. She was confused, she ran after the woman who looked pale, The man besides her held her hands and was urging her to walk faster.
<<<< first person's pov>>>>
I stopped both of them, The man gave me a poker face.. "hey, I've been searching for you everywhere, did you think you could hide?" I yelled at her angrily, I quietly dialed 911 and the moment my call went through, I gave them my location and that it was an emergency. A small crowd had formed around us, they were all curious to what must have transpired between the lady and I.
The man spoke up "Baby do you know her?" he said with a fake tone of concern. she told him there was nothing, he was so desperate to leave here but he couldn't because the crowd wouldn't let them. The police arrived quickly and I whispered the whole situation to a police officer.
He called the woman asides and when she had explained the situation to the man, the police officer had asked the man if she was his wife, the man said yes, the police didn't have any proof that he was abusive, I rushed forward and pushed the man, he pushed me back and slapped me hard across the face.
I grinned like and idiot and screamed " Holy shit! he just slapped me" I cried loudly, one of the policemen cuffed him, The woman told us that the man was a stalker that had kidnapped her family and so she had to follow him around, she hugged me so tightly and offered to buy a meal for me.