

The dangers lie ahead
What was it?
It couldn't have been a person.
It wasn't an animal or creature either.
How did she die?
Who was behind this?
How will we find the killer?
Did she have enemies?
Was it her husband?
Could it be eldest son,or her youngest daughter?
Was a family member or neighbor?
Could it be a co-worker or ex friend/boyfriend?
The truth is,no matter what evidence you find,you can never solve the case/situation. She committed suicide, she created her own death, but the thing is,what was the motive,why did she do it?
Who convinced her into it?
Did her husband or kids made her life miserable, was she threatened by someone?

Never judge or hurt others, because you do not know what they are capable of, they could be a murderer in disguise, it could be a friend or even a bf/gf.
Always be kind no matter how they treat you.
© T.Jafta