

Best version of Me
Words that I will use to describe myself in the past "a rotten carcass waiting to be dumped" but it's okay ,I am not ashamed of being that. I was the best version of myself even if my soul was decomposing with time. All I needed was love and peace which I had to provide myself with, knowing fully that not one could ever provide me with that. In this world no matter how many people genuinely love you and the people who you care about, they will never be able to provide the love and peace like you can do for yourself. I always wanted someone to save me knowing fully that they all reached hands just to take different parts of me for their own purpose. Every time they took I never got used to the pain, it felt the same except the feeling of hopelessness increased but it's okay, I still survived. The more they took the more empty and light I felt, which helped me came out it. Now that I am empty and all my parts sold. I will fill myself. Though it will be a long process, I will finally become the person that I always wanted to be. Which is also the best version of me.
© @cupcake