

Chanakya Arthashastra-3
If you havent read part-1 and part-2, please read it.


Health is your biggest asset. Health is wealth. Wealth has no use when it comes at the case of poor health. If you neglect your health, then you should pay for it.

Most of the people think fitness and health are same
-Fitness means our physical body, diet
-Health means what food are we taking, the way of our thinking(good thoughts)

There are 4 types of health
-Physical health(Balanced diet, yoga)
-Mental health(Meditation)
-Intellectual health-means 'BHUDDHI'. Not only controlling our mind, controlling our intellectual is also important. The process of decision making is work of intellect
-Spiritual health(We should see all the people like our own ones)-The whole world is one,be selfless as possible. Start your work with donation or helping someone. You may not grow externally but you will grow internally.


Time management is a key to success. By planning a day you can manage your time easily. Time management reduces stress, frustation. If you manage the time without stress, then success is near to you.Every successful person knows how to manage the time

There are 3 ways to manage your time
-Plan out your work and work out your plan
-Understand the speed and time of others
-Use technology

To be continued....

Hope you enjoyed the story. Please give your comments

© Teju