

Just so Lonely~
As I sit here on my swing outside my home I sit here looking up at the dark sky with stormy clouds…then it starts to rain. I could not help but to just sit there in the rain as I look up at the deep dark sky, and just sit there and wonder why? I felt so alone and bored. As I was always so lonely and bored I had no friends to be with me or to play games or anything like that for my lack of happiness or anything like having some fun. I felt so distant and disconnected from the world and the reality of communication…I didn’t know how to make new friends or anything like that. I was never really taught how to do that. I felt isolated from others and no one asked me to play with them as a lonely little girl I felt so alone. I always wondered why, why did everyone hate me and never cared to stop and talk as I sit here pounding and wandering in the storm I was just drenched with water from the wet rain that came down that day. I sat there and thought is there really a cloud with a silver lining that everything bad had a good side of it. I was very confused by it. I didn’t see how it was possible… it made no sense to me. As I sat there under the tree on my swing I didn’t know what would happen to me. Then as storm clouds began to clear up the sky above showed me a sign that made me think that there was something good about the storm, at the end of it all there was a rainbow in the sky and the sun was out behind the cloud which made the silver lining…I just thought about…suddenly a little girl around my age appeared out of no where. asked me if I wanted to be her friend and play. I was very surprised by that and what she asked me and said. Without a doubt I said yes to her got up from my swing even though it seemed so unreal to me that this was actually really happening to me…she didn’t ask me why I was wet from the storm that past, she held out her hand and I tried to grab it but it was nothing there. I was very confused about it, and wondered how did she disappear and it was conceivably impossible for that to happen in front of my eyes… I started to cry saying come back, come back please? but it was nothing but a mear of a mist of a dream, and so I sat back down on my swing and wiped my eyes from my tears. Then I thought maybe it was a sign of a guardian angel from the heavens above showing me that it is okay to have no friends and be alone in life, but that maybe one day my dream of true friendship will come true to me as well, and to always have faith and hope that every cloud as a silver lining. The next day I sat down on my swing again…this time I saw a another little girl who I thought wasn’t real but this time she came up to me and grabbed my hand and said let’s go have fun and play together for I knew that she was real my face lit up with joyful tears and happy moments of happiness in feeling I wouldn’t ever have to be alone again. Then the girl asked me “why are you crying?” I said nothing I’m just so happy that I met a real friend like you! Then after that I started to truly believe that in the mist of all the bad was the light of the dark in my heart that my mind was at ease and every cloud really does have a silver lining for you and me. So we played on the swing for rest of our childhood days together, we grew up together as lifelong friends and till we got old together. we went through life and it’s experiences together…until the day we died, even though she died before me I knew that I was at peace and comfort to know that one day she will be back to visit me again until I die; let it be known that the bestest friends in life are the ones who stick together forever till the very end of your last dying breath, to know that there’s always a cloud with a silver lining.