

White Blossoms
What does a white blossom symbolize?
White.....whenever i see,wear or hear WHITE it gives an immense feeling of peace and purity.When it comes to white blossoms they hold a significant place in my life.I still remember my mother met with a road accident in which her legs and ability to walk on her own,got severely effected.I was already in pain mentally.
One fine evening while trying to keep myself busy,a long forgotten FRIEND dropped a message on messanger asking about my wellbeing.Don't know why,i shared everything i was going through with him.We hardly knew each other that time.But after that moment we started interacting everyday and none of us knew when red blossoms of love blossomed in our lives.
The intensity of our love was( or should i say IS )
so intense that we dreamt of a lifetime together.I remember after a few weeks,he became cold....very cold towards our relationship.That feeling of separation,was literally unbearable.I had affairs earlier too but this time my soul knew that this bond is more than a love affair.
I was not able to heal myself ,which was the need of the hour for me.That time was lockdown time for most of the world.So this emotion of separation was all the more painful.But i decided one day that i will not cry anymore and heal myself.
With healing as my aim,i started visiting nearby park regularly.There met WHITE BLOSSOMS for the first time...they were so beautiful and had such healing effect on me that they washed the pain of red blossoms gradually.Now it was my daily routine i used to gaze at white blossoms for hours.That time i did not know that this was one of the ways to do nature healing for ourselves.
Today,as a tarot healer i know how significant white blossoms are for me and what all i have gained from nature healing.
I am grateful to white blossoms for bringing me peace and growth.Today i am an upcoming author,a healer and exploring more aspects of my personality,because i am healed.
#whiteblossoms #writcostory #love #healing #naturelove
© Haniya kaur