

Reverse psychology of subconscious
subconscious is that hidden part of your mind which think differently from concious mind . For eg if Rahul decide that I want to study today for 5 hours he decide this thing and kept in subconscious mind but after when the time came the things in the concious is tell that get start to study but now at that time subconscious play the game of Reverse psychology and tell your concious that you are so intelligent Rahul why to study go and see tv it is good for you . The other good example is when you say yourself I know this thing well to your concious so at that time your subconscious tell you about you're past negative memories and tell you to leave your work . You became negative and leave that work due to overthink your subconscious tell you to leave that work and you leave the work by telling I don't know and became your nature become negative. Reverse phycology is such a thing which subconscious play with every time and every day . If a human is not in control of subconscious so Subconscious try to take your concious in its hand in some other way by using its reverse phycology for eg if you are positive all the time at that subconscious mind try to detach you from that thing from which you get positive energy and at last he make control your concious and you came back to your condition at which you are before in simple word subconscious play a confusing gane with you and make you always overthink and always make a huge mistake from you .
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