

The Master and His Nursemaid
Chapter 1.b
Deep in thought she barely noticed Dr. B’s arrival.
“Good morning!” exclaimed Dr. B as he started to remove his gloves. He then went to wash his hands at the sink. “Morning.” Replied A. She started to blush. Dr. B was the most handsome doctor in all the hospital. All the day shift nurses practically swooned in his presence. He looked like one of those overly handsome tv doctors in those soap opera shows. If there was ever a doctor who can save lives and look good doing it, it was Dr. B.
Many times A. fantasized about Dr. B just grabbing her in a secluded area. Only to make sweet love to her. There was something in his smile. His light blue eyes, his blonde hair. The way his chiseled body still shown in scrubs. The confident demeanor as well as his stoicism in the face of chaos. Just turned A. on. She blushed and found herself bumbling when he entered a room. Yet somehow by the grace of what ever higher being she was still able to compose herself to work.
She perceived he felt someway about her too. Out of a whole station of nurses she was the only one he said good morning to. If he needed a nurse to work on an operation he asked her first. Sometime she thought he was undressing her with eyes even.
She turned and smiled toward him. It doesn’t matter if the world ended. If he was working with her she can get through anything.
“So how is our last patient today?” she inquired “Has he came to yet?”
“No not yet. Vitals seem normal. I don’t believe he's comatose I stitched him up. Though we might want to start an IV for pain management.” He replied, “Don’t suppose you can do that? The other nurses are tied up.”
“Why but of course!” she replied cheerily, she got up and went to the supply closet. She hummed a light tune as she gathered the supplies to set up an IV. Then she went into the room where the motorcycle victim was held.
She went to the counter as she prepped everything. She then turned around and dropped the needle. Her mouth was agape. It was him J. Why was he here?
There her ex lay, his head wrapped in bandages. He was the victim of the accident. She blinked once. She blinked twice. No her eyes weren’t failing her. She pinched herself. No it wasn’t a dream. Slowly quietly she approached. She gently touched him with her gloved hand. Yes it was definitely real.
Well it didn’t matter at least for now. She had a job to do she noticed the needle was on the floor. Quietly as a mouse she picked it up an discarded it in the sharps bin.
She returned to the closet and got a new needle. Then she checked the charts again. Dr. B ordered one morphine shot for the patient. She went to the area where the drugs were kept and got it. The finally she returned to J. He was still out cold. Quietly she got the stool in the room as she prepped for the IV. Gently she started by cleansing his arm. The alcohol pad stung her nose. The she got the rubber tourniquet; she always felt uncomfortable doing this. It wasn’t because she wasn’t trained to do it. It was because she hated stabbing people with needles.
She took a deep breath to steady herself and tied the tourniquet around his right arm. Then she grabbed his wrist and examined his arm tapping for a vein. Finally when she found a suitable vein she got her needle.
She positioned it.
“One.” She counted; then lowered it.
“Two.” She continued; she angled it.
“Three.” She sighed as she slipped in quickly. He awoke with a startled “What the fuck?”
Yet before he had the chance to undo what she did; she taped it to his arm immediately and hastily introduced the medication.
He was too dizzy to provide much resistance; The world spun around as he tried to make out where he was. A stabbing pain was in his head. As soon as A. introduced the morphine he felt a hot tingly sensation. Then it melted in his body as a haze. Immediately he relaxed and the pain was no more. All he can make out was white. Bright clean sterile white. The hazy figure that sat before him he can barely make out.
“Where am I?” he croaked trying hard to make out his surroundings.
She froze as he groaned. She glanced at him.
“Where am I?” he repeated.
“Your in the hospital sir.” She replied, hoping he wouldn’t recognize her. He blinked then stumbled as he grasped for her wrist.
She froze like a statue unsure of what to do. He concentrated as much as he can given his haze. He could make out her face. It was A. He felt so relieved. Yet he was weak. His grip loosened then he succumbed to the world of black. Blissfully pain free.
She blinked and looked at his vitals. He was still alive. She got him into a more comfortable position in bed. The morphine knocked him out. Everything was stable so she scurried off. Her next patient was the guy with a beer bottle up his ass.
As soon as she got to the nurse’s station she was told to join Dr. B in one of the consultation rooms. There lay an over weight middle age man. Dr. B was sitting before him on a stool. The man was sedated Dr. B had a mask on.
“Forceps.” He commanded pointing to the table next to him. A. quietly handed it to him. The bottle was in reach it didn’t got stuck in his ass to deep.
With a sigh A. turned away from the horrid scene; quickly Dr. B resolved it. With haste he removed it. Then quickly disposed of it. They positioned the man back in to a more comfortable bed. A. was then relieved of this duty. Dr. B went back to the station with Anna.
He sat next to her examining her. He edged closer to her. “Do you want to get some lunch?” he asked, rather awkwardly.
“Sure!” A. replied, “I’m starving.”
“A.. A!” called a voice; it was an a panicked intern. Her brown hair was frazzled.
“patient at room 10 wants you. He’s agitated. Confused. Says he knows you.” She breathed frantically. Both of them stared at her blankly. This is the same intern who fainted when they had to reattach a fingertip. Then in unision in the looked at each other. “I’ll go get us lunch, you go take care of it.” Dr. B spoke as he went to get his keys.
A Sighed, then glared at the Intern furiously. She did not want to do this. She snapped up and went to room 10. She stood at the door. Her heart thumped almost out of her chest. She silently opened the door.
J was up and awake, somewhat disoriented. She waltzed in as casually as she can muster and immediately shone a flash light in his eyes.
“Fuck.” He croaked wincing from the light. It was a fruitless attempt but an attempt none the less. Seeing he recoiled she pocketed the flash light. “You called for me sir.” She spoke in a monotone voice. She was going to remain neutral at any cost.
Recovering from the light he grimaced. She tried to determine any impairment. Yet the way he reacted quickly to it determined he was at least in mental faculties he was okay. At least for the present. Concussions don’t show really a lot of signs until days after.
He was however a hot mess. The very eye underneath his most bandaged part looked like he took a punch to it. He had numerous lacerations on one arm from impact. Never mind he was in an assless hospital gown. All in all he looked rather pitiful.
“A. Is that you?” he whimpered eyes adjusting to light. Finally there he saw before him her face. Her form. Her face was in a neutral expression but her blue eyes portrayed contempt. They burned intensely. She was standing there arms crossed underneath her enormous almost g cup breasts.
She looked somewhat thicker than he remembered but more womanly. Like one of those absurdly curvacious hentai characters. Her scrubs added and seemed to flatter her figure. If he was well enough he might have tried to fuck her right in the hospital room.
His mouth grew dry at the sight of her. He thanked what ever god that brought him to her. Even that dumb cow.
He was however to be disappointed; “It is you..” He breathed “It’s really you..” He tried to get out bed but the world quickly spun around him. He almost fell.
“Yeah and what of it?” she asked as she steadied him back into bed. He tried to embrace her yet she pushed him back. She gave a sickly sweet smile. One that was laced with arsenic. Conveying to him the feeling wasn’t mutual.
Truthfully she wanted to slap him, yet it wouldn’t be professional. Besides she was to accustomed with old men taking liberties with dementia to care. Getting hit in the head lowers inhibitions. She almost laughed. As it was kind of funny.
He laid down; she rearranged the bedding. Her breasts was in reach. He wanted to feel them and raised his hand up. She stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“Sir if you continue I will not care for you anymore.” She replied; he relaxed.
“A. Don’t you remember?” he croaked “I came back. I came back for you..”
She blinked but didn’t show any emotion. “I remember yes but that’s in the past and I intend to keep it that way.” She replied softly.
“A I came back for you.” He replied staring into her eyes. Searching for any hint of that sweet girl he left behind.
“And I moved on.” She announced matter of factly as she released his wrist.
In two seconds Dr. B walked in to the room. Immediately A's demeanor switched. She went from cold and neutral to bouncy and bubbly as soon as Dr. B popped in.
“I see our patient is awake.” He spoke as he examined him. “You don’t have any fractures; but you do have stitches in your head. Other than that your in pretty stable condition. I can discharge you if someone can come and get you. You will have to be monitored though.”
She smiled at this as this meant she can go back to her work; that all she had to do was give him discharge papers and send him on his merry way. Surely some tawdry side piece can come and get him.
“I don’t know anyone in this city.” J. replied gruffly.
“Bullshit.” She thought as she turned for the door.
“Oh.” Dr. B replied thoughtfully.
“In fact..I was on my way to see A. before I got into the wreck.” He continued.
“Uh-huh.” Replied Dr. B as he sat down examining the patient. “Whoops..I got paperwork…” announced A. awkwardly as she excused herself from the room. She scurried away to the nurse’s station.
An hour past before a smiling beaming Dr. B came back. She knew that smile. It was a go to manipulation tactic whenever he wanted to request something of her. Not that she didn’t mind much, because he always gave her an awesome incentive. Usually it was just can you work overtime because so and so called sick in exchange for starbucks for a week. She was easily bribed with food.
Yet she was unprepared for what he was going to ask her.
“So I talked with our patient.” He started awkwardly. Fidgeting.
“Uh huh..” She responded drinking her coffee. Mindlessly getting discharge papers ready.
“He told me he knew only you and no one else.” He continued “No friends or family in this town.”
“And..?” she replied; printing them off. Taking another sip of coffee.
“Don’t suppose you could..I don’t know…monitor our patient?” he asked scratching his head.
She spat out her coffee; “HELL NO.” She choked.
“Listen I know it’s a lot to ask…but we can’t just turn him out unmonitored.” He spoke softly, “He refuses to be hospitalized.”
“Why should that concern me?” she spat out. She was becoming distressed. Images that she forgot long ago are bubbling up in her mind.
“I know it isn’t easy to ask.” He replied softly. He saw she was in distress. “If you do this and it’s only for 2 weeks; I’ll take you to that fancy restaurant.” He continued “Not only that but the head nurse is going to give you 2 weeks paid vacation.”
She blinked; two weeks vacation? Fancy expensive food?
“I know it’s hard to ask…” he spoke “but do this and I promise we'll have so much fun.”
He smiled.
“Okay…” She agreed. He hugged her he admired her all the more for it.