

* Why don't we consider the new year on January 1? *

* Neither season nor weather
* Neither class changed ... nor session
* Neither crop change… nor farming
* Neither tree color
* Neither sun moon stars direction
* Neither constellation.

Even before January 1, everyone starts wishing for the New Year. As if this is such a big festival.

New is not just one day ..
There must be a new feeling for a few days. After all, our country is a country of festivals.

The new year of the AD Samvat is celebrated on 1 January and the Indian New Year (Vikrami Samvat) Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. Let us see the comparative difference between the two:

1. Nature
On January 1, there is no difference, like December in January .. In the month of Chaitra, flowers bloom all around, new leaves are coming on the trees. Greenery all around as if nature is celebrating the new year.

2. Clothing -
The same clothes, blankets, quilts, chilly hands and feet in December and January ..
Winter is going on in Chaitra month, summer is coming.

3. New session of schools - December January same class nothing new ..
Whereas in March April the result of the schools comes, the new class is the new session i.e. the new year in the schools.

4. New Financial Year-
There is no closing of accounts in December-January... While on March 31, the audit of the banks is closed, the same accounts are opened. A new session of the government also starts.

5. Calendar
New calendar arrives in January ..
A new almanac comes in Chaitra. All Indian festivals, marriages and other muhurtas are seen by him. Without this Hindu society cannot even imagine life so important is this calendar i.e. Panchang.

6. Farmers' New Year - The same crop occurs in the fields in December-January ..
While the crop is harvested in March-April, the new grain comes in the house, then the farmers' new year and enthusiasm.

7. Method of celebrating the festival-
On the night of 31 December, people are drinking heavily, making furore, chances of accident due to drunken driving, rape-like incidents, police administration suffering and destruction of Indian cultural values ​​..
While * Indian New Year begins with fast, the first Navratri is * Mata Rani is worshiped in the house. A pure satvic atmosphere is created.

8. Historical Importance - January 1 has no historical significance ..
While the beginning of Vikram Samvat by Maharaja Vikramaditya on the day of Chaitra Pratipada, the birth of Lord Jhulelal, the beginning of Navratri, creation of creation by Brahma, etc. are related to this day.

Apart from the date of the English calendar and the logo of the English mentality, nothing changed.
Its New Year is the new year.

When the direction of the moon from the universe, the weather, crop, orbit, constellation, new leaf of plants, new crop of farmer, new class of student, new blood circulation in human etc. changes. Which is science based.

Change your mindset. Identify science based Indian call counting. Why should we celebrate the new year on January 1 ..?

* "Change calendar only .. not your culture" *