

Teenage Days of Memories
The winds blowing made the curtains fly out of the window which Anala came running and closed. It's a rule in the family that the room of girls should not be open.
On tying the curtains,her notice went to a boy. He is at her neighbour Julie's house. Ever since she turned 13 and menarche,she is not free as she was before. the days of restrictions on everything is irritating especially her family members.
she has a father, brother,his wife and now she's celebrating her holiday season.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Come down, June is here"
June is Julia's brother who came from the next state after job leave.he loves her and he is an artifact shop owner.
Anala came down
"Hai,Anu.I came to see your brother.How are you?"
She nodded her head as fine and went inside since she was told by everyone to stay away from people since she turned an adult girl. she was reluctant as she saw June more beautiful than ever and wanted to see if he will make her sit close to him and talk to her a lot like usual.
At evening she went to Julia's house making excuses to see June but when she came back she saw a boy who was newly moving into the neighbourhood as a paying guest at Sham's house.she kept looking at the boy walking with his uniform, laptop bag, books and went in.
The next day she went to Sham's house and saw Julia watching TV as asing playing but the scenes were intimate as Sham saw Anala looking Julia startled
"Anu? What are you doing here for afternoon?"
"I.I.uh came to see you"
the boy she saw last day came down stairs with June
"Anu, this is Nick"
"I am Nickolas Mark, I am an artist,a painter"
Sham's brother invited all and sat down. during the conversation June kept Anala wrapped up in his hands. even though she was told it's not good to be physically close to boys,she left it unnoticed as she was liking it then Sharma uncle came in.
June suddenly moved close to Shane and Nick even away from Julia.
they kept talking and at evening they are back in the rooms.
to be continued
© farhan khurram