

Calling out for help
Is a thing for the weak, for the helpless or for the poor
People will say
The strong, wealthy don't need help
The wealthy ones thinks, money could buy help
The strong ones think, their strength could fixed help.

What they don't understand
Is that
We are all human
The weak, the strong, the poor, the wealthy
We all have weakness and strength
Sometimes money and strength
Can't fix it all
Because sometimes we need to reach out to others.

The weak and the poor
Are afraid to ask for help
Because they might get judged or mock
The strong and wealthy
Are too proud
To ask for help
Because they think they have it all.

Make me curious
If we think God
Make a mistake creating
So many human with different talent
With different alternatives to help.

The reason why we have
So many suicide catastrophes, depressed people
Is because we fail to ask for help
We neglect to give others help
Because there has always been racism in everything
In skin colour, religion, background, position, power
And it is killing and ripping us apart
We all need to reach out.