

She is a girl
They were friends from the day she remembers. Their house were near hers. Tara and her childhood friends Ram and Gopal. They used to play games every evening...till the sun sets..or even later. She was the bowler all the time. On summers they set ups small stores to sell candy and made some pocket money for the year. She was the one who gave them the idea of smoking cigarette which she stole form her uncke. They were together in everything. But as they grow things changed. She was left out.They went for long rides,night shows,concert. They said it's boys thing and she would be a headache throughout if they took her and of course her parents won't let even if they said yes.. Why they are treated differently..everything was same till yesterday but now there is difference...they are not equal anymore.She is a girl and she have to remember the fact when ever she felt like flying.