

The Dread!😢😷
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end?
It spread it's tentacles far and wide, sending many home forever,leaving thousands to be mourned,thousands yet to recuperate.Fear knocked on the doors of millions leaving the question"who's next?
With the total lockdown, greater is the plight of the poor. In their various homes a virus more deleterious lurked,ready to erase those left behind.While dealing with corona virus,Many had contracted hunger virus.
The few who tested negative to this two cases are still in danger of another foe
it isn't a virus this time.
The security personnels at strategic places in compliance with the lockdown have a role to play in the death of people this period.
No one may be left to mourn the dead,
No one to bury another
we all wait in silence and fear, still trying hard to answer the question at the forefront-"when is this going to end".