

there's more to life than simply being alive
Life is unpredictable. And as easily as its given, it is also taken.. Your life, aswell as mine is fragile. it is birthed to be extinguished; No day is promised, nothing is set in certainty so don't hold back out of fear of the past, because those are all days you have already survived.. You should fear not ever having the opportunity to do what you're holding back from.. Because i very well may not be alive tommarow. I specifically, am prone to injury and near death experiences.. One of these times im going to look death in the eye and i wont be able to walk away from him. Ive come to except this. I dont wish for death anymore, but i know i have no say when its my time. So tell me. If i died tomorrow would you have done everything you wanted to do with me? Would you have said all that you wanted to? Life is too short to hold back. Its too short to seclude yourself from happiness.. so go and lie with him or her. Hold them close and tell them u love them, go out and explore something unusual or out of the way. Dont wait until its too late. When you look back and wonder what could have happened.. Live while you're still alive. Because theres more to life than simply being alive
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