

The Silver Bullet: Chapter Seven "Don't worry I Ain't gonna bite"
As Ernie and I got the horses and the Buckboard back to the ranch.

I was greeted by Julie and a picnic basket she had made.

"Girl, I see you're in a joyful mood"

There was Julie smiling like a giant ray of sunshine not being able to contain her happiness.

"And why should I not be happy Sam?
Daddy done increase my allowance and gave me permission to take you with me for the day"

A little surprised by the News I asked?

" Julie, What about all the work that needs to be done around here ? Doesn't you're father want me to cook?

"Sam, do you think Daddy expects you to mend fences, fix the barn and chase down cattle?
As far as cooking is concern you made enough food for a couple of days.
The boys around here ain't completely helpless .
They know how to warm up a pot of food if they get good and hungry."

"I see you got all the answers Julie.
Is there anything else I should know?"

"Yes there is Sam"

"And what would that be?

"Sam, you need to stop staring at me."

"Why is that?"

"Because Sam Dakota you just might like what you're looking at.
And if you want to keep looking.
Like I think you do.
You might as well come with me"

I let Julie know I wanted to talk to her father first before we left.
I need to let him know how my visit to Peter David's Ranch went.
After my talk with Mr Weatherstein I would then be ready to go.

Coming out of the Ranch house I saw that Julie had already hooked up the horses

" Julie, I see that you got the horses already hitched up"

Julie smiling and putting her finger on my lips.

"Sam, you didn't think I was a poor little helpless, damsel in distress.
Now did you ?"

"Julie, when it comes to you darling.
Those thoughts never cross my mind"

I didn't want to tell Julie I thought she was a beautiful, baby, blue eye, golden hair contrary little devil.
Because even if she was. I was enjoying myself being tempted by such a beautiful devil.

As we rode out to the country in the carriage with Julie still smiling at me and making me a bit nervous.
I gently pulled the horses over.

"Julie, you know I guy like me.
Around a girl like you. Might get the wrong idea"

"What idea would that be Sam?"

Getting even more nervous

"Well you know those ideas a guy like me ought not put in his head."

"Do you mean, ideas like you want to kiss me.
Hold me in your arms and feel my warm body next to yours?.
Are those the ideas your trying to get out of that poor little head of yours?"

Being, barely able to get the words out of my mouth because of my nervousness.
I let Julie know she had read me like a book.

"Yeah, those are the thoughts I am trying to stay away from"

Julie just kept smiling

"Sam, don't worry.
I'm not going to bite, at least right now I ain't gonna bite, but who knows what could happen"

I knew talking wasn't going to get me anywhere with Julie.

So I got the horses moving once again and we headed to the cemetery.

Where we could have a picnic and I could finally visit the grave.

My grandmother wanted me to see.

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