

Krishna & Me - part -XXI
Me - Krishna, why do people reject or betray their loved ones

Krishna (God) - My dear, it's not necessary that the person you love  loves you too. Everyone is not same, they might not have same feelings as you have for them.
Betrayal happens when you have expections from your loved ones and if those expections are not fulfilled by loved ones, then he/she might feel betrayed

Me - But can't we even expect a little bit from the person who we love so much?

Krishna (God) - No my dear, when you expect something from someone, you restrict them to behave in certain way and no one loves to be restricted. Let your loved ones what they want to do and if they love you they'll stay true to you.

Me - So Krishna, how to overcome rejection and betrayal.

Krishna (God) - It's really difficult overcome betrayal & rejection. One can divert his or her mind but it's the emotions that takes time to change direction. One must not be sad if someone left them, rather they should focus on welcoming the new people entering their lives. Just like trees don't feel sad on shedding of dead leaves but focus on welcoming the new leaves.

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