

What are you?
You are the books you read and the movies you watch.You are the dress you wear and the dress that you wont wear but still buy anyway.You are the chocolate in your pocket.You are the fairytale stories you heard.You are the smile you give others.You are the words that you write and the songs that you hear.You are the moves that you dance when you are home alone.You are the trinkets that you keep in your secret box.You are the letters you write but wont send.You are the toys in your attic and the drawings in your wall.You are the scrunchies you tie and the hair you dye.You are the series you binge watch and the quotes you screenshot.You are the tears on your pillow and the laughter's that echo.You are the places that you visit and the people you meet.You are the fears that prevent you from not being you.You are the cool breeze and the night storm.You are the sunny day and the starry sky.You are not people tell you are but so much more.