

The Zone.
I guess i am moving into that Zone Again.
The zone where you Smile, everytime you want to Cry.
The zone where you Write,just to not get Ignored by Someone.
The zone where you are Alone, all the time you want Your People to be Around you.
The zone where you Listen to anytype of Music,just to hear someones Voice.
The zone where to Talk to Stars all Night,just to see Sunrise.
The zone where you wear a hoddie with a cap on and walk,walk till you get into your Senses.
The zone where you Read,Everytime you want to Talk to Someone.
The zone where you talk to Yourself quite alot,just to Not receive NO from Everyone.
The zone where you want to take a shower every now and then,just to soak up your Tears.
I know it sounds Negative,but it is what it is.
Negative Things Teaches you about Yourself Quite Alot.
Happy Day.🖤