

◦•●◉✿The Inseparable Charm✿◉●•◦ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙𝟘
𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓹 : Lavaan & Krishit convinced each other to propose to their girls but when they reached at the function, they were shocked

------------𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 # 𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 -----------

When they both reached at the function.. they were totally shocked... The gate of the building was locked & the atmosphere was showing that everyone has left. But the most shocked part was outside of the gate, Nisha was crying & panting heavily & Anaisha was consoling her by making her sit in a bench & Lavaan & Krishit were standing far away & watching all these.

Krishit : ohh shitt.... the function time was till 9 pm .. so everyone has left ( as they reached the function late nearly around 11:30 pm)

Lavaan : ( tears were gathering in his eyes ) .. but.. but what happened to Nisha?

Then they both went to their partners, to make their mood light, Krishit spoke out..

Krishit : Hey girls... I hope you are not missing us much.. I mean.. don't say now that you cried because we went to have some boys time.. ( he said by winking at Anaisha to make the atmosphere light)
Lavaan : ( hitting his own head slightly thinking that " seriously Krishit, have you lost your mind ")

But then, Anaisha looked at Krishit with tears in her eyes but didn't let it to flow down & hold Krishit's collar " What did you say? Huh? ... " she shouted at the top of her voice.

" Boys time...! huh? ... do you really have any idea, what happened here? with Nisha ... & with me? " Anaisha shouted but tears fell from her eyes when she spoke Nisha & her name.

Krishit's body just Shieverd....{ his thoughts : something happened to Nis & 𝙢𝙮 Ansh, ohh God}..

Krishit : what happened with you?

Lavaan : could you both please stop your nonsense? ( he shouted)

Anaisha : My dear lovely friend, ( she said it sternly) ... Why should I stop shouting, when you both didn't think of us when you both left us alone?

Lavaan : Alone? but there were our seniors & Mr. Viren.. also you both were enjoying the party naa...

Anaisha : & then....

Krishit : okk.. you both were angry because we left you both in the middle of the function, right?
( his thoughts : but why should one get angry for that? )

Anaisha then shouted again : seriously krishit...

Krishit was totally shocked & the suddenly his mind turned to Ansh's safety . he spoke out by holding Ansh's shoulders with care " Anything happened to you, are you hurt anywhere? " he said with care in his face.

But before she could say something, she bursted out in tears & by covering her face with her hands, she continued crying. & Krishit tried to console her & the poor boy himself couldn't stop shedding tears silently by seeing Anaisha's tears.

Lavaan : Ansh, pls tell us what happened ? ( then he loooked at the bench as Night's voice was not being heard)

Lavaan : Where's is Nisha?
Anaisha : ( by looking at the bench with her red eyes) well, she might have gone to the dorm..
Lavaan : but alone...
Anaisha : why are you caring for her now ,when you couldn't be with her when she needed you?

Lavaan couldn't reply Anaisha but was very hurt by her words, thinking what might have happened with Nisha? Is she okay / or anything bad happened with both of them.

Both Krishit & Lavaan made her sit on the bench & asked what happened after they both left the party.

Anaisha : after you both left, Mr.Viren also left the function. So we both & the boys & girls of 4 th year were dancing on floor.. but.. but then..


Both Anaisha & Nisha were dancing..
Anaisha : Nis, I want to use the washroom.. so you vibe alone until I come back.
Nisha : yaa.. be careful but do you know where are Lavaan & Krishit?
Anaisha : No dude..

Then Anaisha went for the washroom, but after she left 2 boys from 4 th year came to Nisha. ( 1 st boy : Aarav , 2 nd : Samir)

They both came & danced in front of Nisha. She felt surprised but told nothing.

Aarav : Hey, girl.. Are you single? ( looking at her collarbone & slim waist in a wrong way )

Nisha sensed something, but when she tried to go back wards, she saw Samir was standing behind her & she couldn't move sidewards as others were dancing.

Samir : Arree... don't feel bad.. we are your seniors .. he was just asking that if the boy dancing with you as your partner was your boyfriend or not? .... ( looking at her legs) .. I must say.. you both look good together ( he said in a wicked manner) .

Nisha : well, he is one of my best friends. He dance well. ( tried to end the conversation) ... Can you both please move aside... I need to go to one of friend..

They both moved aside, sticking their eyes when she walking away. Then Nisha went to waiter & said to bring her 4 orange juices.
But suddenly those two came to her table & sat beside her.

Aarav : ( opening a juice & drinking) ... ummmm.... nice taste.. I didn't think that you will think about us by giving us drinks.

Nisha : move the hell out of here..
these are for my friends.. how dare you to touch my friend's food?

Samir :Shhh 🤫🤫🤫

Aarav : What you throught? .. we don't you.. we have been stalking you since the beginning of this year, but everytime you hang out with your friends.. but today we have get you alone...

Nisha : Shut up ( shouted loudly & everyone looked at the table) .

But Anaisha was no where to be found...

Why Anaisha was not coming back after so long time?
Who are Samir & Aarav?

To know more , wait for next part..

© MSt-Saswati Priyadarshini