

Doraemon and pokemon world mixed up!!😲😲😲
Chapter - I

2/8/2010 in school Nobita's teacher was teaching about ancient Japan. And Nobita was sleeping in the class. As soon as Mr.S (Nobita's teacher) saw Nobita was sleeping in the class he scold Nobita and some questions from the chapter (he teaching about). He asked where did Hadrosauridae and kamuysauras are found in ancient Japan? Nobita said Akita His teacher said wrong Hokkaido. After the school ended his mood was off and he went to home. Nobita wanted to do something interesting. Suddenly Nobita came up with an idea. He said Doraemon do you want to go in an adventure? Doraemon said what type of adventure? Nobita said I will tell you about that later. First you give your Telephone Booth. Doraemon gave Nobita that Telephone Booth. Noita said in that Telephone Booth what will happen if our world will change with the cartoon world pokemon? When they came out from the Telephone booth they saw that outside a person is standing . To know who is that read my next story. Doraemon and Pokemon world mixed up! chapter - 2😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆