

Let me explain a few interesting details of my journey from Kerala to Bhutan and the wonderful life there.
Part-1, Nga ki lube

In April 1980, I was appointed as a teacher in 'Bhutan'. It took a week to travel 3500 kms.

At that time there was only one railway compartment to travel directly from Kerala to Howrah (Calcutta). Boarded it in the evening of 19th April and reached Chennai in the morning of 20th. Then that compartment will be attached to the Howrah mail of 10 pm. It reached Howrah on 22nd afternoon. On 22nd evening boarded 'Janata Express' bound for Gohati and alighted at New Jalpaiguri Yale on 23rd. Then boarded the bus and reached 'Phumtsholing', the gate of Bhutan on the Indian border, at 11 o'clock. From there on the morning of the 24th, the next bus was to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. So I reached 'Thimphu' at 5 pm on 24th. Next day (25th) morning I took the bus to 'Ha' where my school was.

The 'Thimphu-Ha' bus was just an open truck. The next journey was about 8 hours long by sitting on the floor of the truck. I and Mr.Jose from Kollam, who was also going to 'Ha', got into the lorry. The lorry is full of local Drukpa (Bhutanese). Their language is 'Jongkha' and I didn't know that language. In Hindi and English we told them that they we were the newly appointed teachers of 'Ha' school. When they found out that we were teachers, they took us on their laps instead of putting us on the ground.

Every now and then they used to say 'Nga ki lube'. Later I realized that it means 'my guru'. The culture of those days was to respect teachers as god.
So , my journey began on 18th and reached 'Ha' on the 25th.

I joined the school on 26th.

(Fun and weird experiences the next part.)

© Rajendran Thriveni