

roof love
One normal winter day . I have come on my roof to get washed clothes for drying them .Bucket in my hand ful of wet clothes. I have started putting the clothes on wire suddenly when I put the cloth I seen noticed that anyone was continuously seeing me .My mother called me Sayra have you put all clothes on wire I said ya mom coming in 2 minutes. I thought that he is seeing me to make my fun because I was looking too much mess wear blue jeans jacket, fury cap,woolen lower,and hairs coming on my face when wind flow but I stop thinking and gone because my mother calling me .In evening when I have gone on my roof to take dry clothes back to iron and foldthem .I have seen him again. He just live one open land and 2 home back you can say neighbour. Our Family know each other. We celebrate some religious festival together. But I don't even know his name ,age ,and in which class he study but looking few years bigger then me. I was in class 7 .The thing repeat every day now summer had came I always ready and go to see him and he also come .I come every day on time by any region to play with my bother and sister or to get fresh air in evening and stay there till sunset. He see me hiding beside wall .He have a dog he hide behind him.It have continuous till March but after few day I stoped going for some family issues. But after doing dinner I always go on my balcony for walk I go there also to see him in thinking of he will come but he had not come. One night I sow him walking on road he also seen me .But not come again. After few days I have gone to throw garbage I have seen him at last time. I have gone Bangalore for my higher study...After 8 years Now I have come back home. Gone on my roof to see him . But no one was there I thought that he had happy in his life. And started a NGO for small children who are alone and just live my life with them . They all call me Ma I have so happy. One day someone come to help them . He was no other my love .We were good frends now .
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