

The Fateful Night
The night was impenetrably dark, whenever the moon forsook the night ,it was as dark as coal.The world was as quiet as a mouse except for the shrill insects which were part of the night.
At midnight, an alarm Disturbed the peace of night as it alerted the sleepy minds of two notorious thieves who had dozed off prepared to steal their neighbor, the permanent secretary.It was the time they ought to play their cards right as he ,the PS had travelled to Nairobi for a meeting . He was a darkened skinned man with a bulbous nose.
At his home, was a glomorous ,magnificent and glittering pearl he had won in Germany upon his eloquent and confident addressing of
delegates at a meeting. His prodigious,lavish and alluring house was located north of muyenge in uganda.
The mission seemed as easy as ABC though it was quite mischievous as the house was guarded by one of the famous security groups with their tough dogs as fierce as a lion.
Halfway the clock, they crept through the septic tank stealthily to the dunny and met with their inner man . He provided them with black clothes,masks and mittens as well as some little geography of the house. As they made their way, one of them had the cold chills run down his spine as he felt the feeling of being caught. But after some bit of coaxing by the other, he accepted and actually gained more bravety and this time as brave as a lion.
within a snap, they had made their way in the room and had stood in bewilderment and amazement as the room shone with glittering and sparkling light as given by the pearl. It was hard for them to reach for the pearl as the entrance was locked though they unlocked it sapiently . Unfortunately, the touch of the pearl sent alarms to security personnels in the house which shortened their success in the mission.
The room closed, the dogs barked, and the atmosphere intensified as they were in for it.
The sizzle increased as the PS who had been phoned by his senior guard sprung on his feet towards them with menace.He clenched his fists in anger and spoke in a guttural voice.This was an added thorn in the flesh for them as the mission was futile.
The police arrived , menacled and dragged them in their patrol car. The policeman in charge told the PS, " leave the Matter to us , we shall deal with everything."

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