

Happiness among the little things
Happiness among little things
On a Christmas eve, in a town called Yagol, there lived a rich family named Mr and Mrs Smith. It was a tradition in the town to give gifts to children on every Christmas. As a part of this tradition, Mr and Mrs Smith bought new clothes, toys and chocolates as a gift to their son Chris. The child was not happy with all those things until the last and final gift was handed over to him.
"Open it" said his parents.
"Wow! I think i know what it is" Chris replied.
He opened up the gift and found that it was a book.
"Yuck!! A book. I thought you would gift an i- pad. Well, all my friends have an i-pad." he yelled at his parents.
"Son, just open the book once. Please"requested his parents while he was yelling at them.
"No i will not! I do not want this junk"
Chris ran out of the house and came to the streets. There he saw a poor family living in a tent on the roadside. He heard their conversation.
The poor boy's parents gifted their son an old book.
"Sorry son! We couldn't afford to buy some nice gifts for you".
"It's ok mom and dad. I'm happy with this book. Thank you so much" replied the poor boy.
Seeing this incident, chris felt a pang on his heart. He felt sorry for yelling at his parents. He went back home and hugged his parents, apologising them for yelling.
His parents said" It's ok son, But just open the book once". He opened the book and found some cash to buy an i- pad for himself.
"Wow! But I'm going to do something else rather than buying myself an i- pad. Come with me."
They reached the place where the poor family stayed.
"Hey! Excuse me." Chris called the poor boy's parents. "This cash is for you as a gift from us for Christmas." He said.
"I'm sorry but we cannot accept it." disagreed the poor family.
"Hey, keep it please" requested Chris and his family.
"But why are you gifting us lots of cash? We don't even know each other." The poor family said.
"Christmas is sharing happiness. So keep it". Chris replied.
The poor family thanked Chris and his parents. Mr and Mrs Smith were happy and proud of their son.
"Well done son" They said
"Merry Christmas mom and dad" smiled Chris.

© Sylvereon