

In his world (I surrender) - Chp IV
Like always, I was in the library, choosing my favourite genre, triller and suspense which I can read on my weekend. It was Friday today and I was very excited for tomorrow since my mom is gonna take me out for lunch. Just me and mom. Not my so called brother from another mother Jermy is gonna join.

I hurriedly picked my favourite books and ran towards the counter, I gave them my ID and they quickly checked and handed me the book "Return by Monday EOD"

"Sure" I smiled, putting the books in my bag and was about to walk out but I was bumped into something hard like rock, making my head dizzy and loosing the grip of my leg.

'Shit' I know I was gonna make contact with the ground. My legs were almost at the height of my hip and my body leaning completely towards the floor and then....I felt a support. Someone wrapping around my waist, trying to stablize my balance.
All the time, my eyes was shut closed but within a blink, I was stabilized to the ground

"You ok?"
A deep bold voice echoed in my ears.
I didn't know what to do, I immediately stumbled on my feet and stood free from whatever grip that was holding me.
I hurriedly adjusted my messy clothes and opened my eyes only to be met by a broad chest in front of me.

I blinked, raising my head to look at the person and hell. it was him. The Mr.Perfect of our class. that explains the hard thing which I made contact with, was not a rock but his chest. well. Um.

"Are you okay?" Again he questioned me with those same deep voice.

I gulped giving him a nod. he was Around 183 and I'm.....I'm just 157. I know....he looked like a giant in front of me.

"Are these yours?"

I looked at the bag he brought up to my face, I quickly took my bag and nodded.

"and this?" He streched a red rose in front of me. It was my first time experiencing someone showing a rose in front of me. Never have I ever imagined this kind of situation in my dream as well.

I shook my head and was about to walk but his cold hands stopped me by my wrist "Words" I felt a strong pull towards him "Why won't you use words?"

I pulled trying to free myself "It.....It hurts..." I barely managed to say.
I could hear him chuckle, letting my hand go "Sorry. I didn't mean to" He streched his hands in front of me "George. George Christopher Fernandes. We're of same class, wouldn't it be strange to not know each other who studies under the same roof?"

"Janet" I said ignoring the hand in front of me and was about to walk past him but he stood in front of me blocking my way

"Janet Murray D'Souza" He said my full name shocking me. I raised my head in suprise but what I saw was.....Breath taking.
The Hot dude of our university is standing just inches apart from my face and glaring at him with his dark brown eyes which matched very well with his hair.

"Hi. You finally let me see your face"

I lowered my head, bending a little and escaping under the gap of his arms.

I know. I'm such a coward.
but.....Who would act sane in front of the god kissed handsome face?

to be continued.......
By Purpgrl 💜

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