

🖤Thanatos 🪽
Death and I have always been close. Thanatos is what I've known him by though. I can't physically see him but I know he's close. I could feel him on my bed or behind me when I was walking in the city. He's always near by like a good friend. Let me explain when we first met. It was when I was born. When I came out The umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck 3 times. For thanatos was not wanting me back but a handshake in his own way. As I grew I was in wrestling and got kneed in the temple and thanatos was greeting me again. For I do not fear him. His intent is pure. He just has a different look and feels different things and has different customs. I'm going under for brain surgery in a couple days now. Even though I'm feeling all these symptoms from all this medication and can't function beyond belief and having seizures. I sit back and have a chuckle. Maybe this was someone's plan for me. I did want to join the airforce. That dream was taken from me. It was for a good cost though. For that I understand why the events happened and I got epilepsy from getting kneed in the temple. As the Anastasia goes into my system and I fall asleep I wonder if Thanatos is in my dreams or in the room making sure everything is smooth sailing. It's funny huh that I'm friends with death. I feel funny too sometimes but that's love. One day he will come to me and I will be able to see him and he will guide me to my next adventure. I will take his hand graciously with a smile and walk with death in a pleasant Manner. For I shall call it, going for a stroll with a old friend who's always been there. Thank you
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