

The Soul Less Ashes
Walking every step forward is like a dried flower falling onto the path.
yet i walk forward, not wanting to give up, yet wanting to give up. The strange feeling had me rushing towards somewhere so deep. The sight of my shadows made my night darker,
yet there is no one, spending time alone walking no where,seeking for help when there is no sun out there. made my final decision, TO KILL MYSELF. its too traumatic, what to do when everyone around you betrayed you , what to do when someone you gave your heart to, ended up being the one to stab it. It hurts knowing that, your teddy bear has turned into a robot. i walked away and away, far from the flower field. Even if my butterfly cannot find the same flower it loved.
Deeper I go, i come across a new city, finding that no one's there, i run across the road until a truck came speeding, the lights shined bright and i hit the truck and fell onto the road, tears dripping since the truck just passed on without noticing the sight of me

i fainted unconsciously, when i woke up i was still at that place, not much longer had i fainted it was still dark, i woke up and started to roam around with my body paining a lot. when i went to lot of places, the hospitals were open but the people there did not notice me. id don't know what to do, but my body still hurts. i decided to lay down on the ground, thinking what to do, people passing over my body, ignoring me. I knew that they didn't know i was here. The blood dripping from the points of my hands,my eyes were damaged, yet i survived from the damage caused by the truck. Surprised but not surprised
Everything was killing me, time passing by, my body unnoticed by anyone, thinking about my memories before, i was a healthy and a joyful kiddo.Now i became the one i never wanted to become.
everything was draining out of me, my life, my memories. I wished to go to a therapist but i received the rapist. Pearls falling onto my lifeless body, sun rising from above shining on my body. i realised that i was the moon that could never become the sun.
thinking deeply,
My past experiences and memories passed away as butterflies are in search for a better field. It was stupid of me to think that people would acknowledge my lifeless body, when i am just a ghost or a spirit. The flowers are gone, the butterflies fell dead. The soul of love and joy has already been turned into ashes of death. i was already a ghost, when i was alive, the only difference is that i am not alive anymore. The flames are turned into ashes of depression. The soul had already left my body. The soul had risen from my body and went upwards to darkness and that soul has turned into small, small particles.

© fiery