

It's Toxic - Part 2
"Where the heck have you been Sara! I was worried for you".He said.
The expression on her face changed from nervousness to disgust.
"Worry for me? Since when, I may ask? "
His eyes widened. One could easily say looking at his eyes that he was drunk.
"Since always. Are you arguing with me? "
Sara felt intimidated, but handled the situation with a smile, a smile that didn't touched her eyes, a fake one.
"Can I ever argue with you, love? ". She winked at him. She was clearly flattering to calm him down.
And the flattery worked. It works always.
He moved towards her, grabbed her of the sofa and gave her a tight embrace.
He was so close to her. So close that the stench of liquor and cigarettes was suffocating her.
She thought that it was the right time to ask for the necklace. She whispered in his ear, continuing the embrace and swaying with him.
"Liam? "
"Call me Love"
"Love, today when I was returning from the Mart, I saw a diamond necklace so stunning and attractive I am sure you will love it on me"
He whispered back
"You are more stunning. No need to attract others"
"But you know, Mrs. Trevelyan wore a piece just like that in the party last month. You remember ?"
He listened to her, but all his focus was on sniffing her hair and swaying with her gently without music. Just lost in the intoxication of wine and the sweet smell of her.
For her, it was good and awkward at the same time.She continued her persuasion.
"I am just a few bucks short. And I promise I will return them soon. Please?"
"No need. "
She thought he was saying that no need to return the money. If you want it, then buy it. She was ecstatic and wanted to kiss him on the cheek. She tried to, but he pulled away, as always.
"We don't do the oh-look-we-are-rich thing. You are beautiful without them"
He sounded a bit irritated. She doesn't wanted to give up.
"But Liam -
" Enough! "
He shouted. She startled. He walked away from her towards bedroom but stopped in the middle. He turned back and stared her .
"How many times do I have to tell you that I hate the scarf and Jacket! "
He pulled the scarf from her neck quite brutally, smelled it, then threw it on the floor. He gestured to take the jaket off.
Anger was bursting inside her. But tears filled her eyes. As she removed the jacket, some odd and ugly red marks were on both her hands and in her neck was a hideous choker on which his name LIAM was written in bold. These were the reasons she went out with a scarf and jacket every time. She hated it. But he felt pleased seeing his name on her.
"Don't you dare hide that again. It is the proof that you are mine. Only mine. "
He walked away with an odd gait. But she stood there, sniffling.

This was the synopsis of the relationship between Sara and Liam. He was rude, arrogant, drunkard and over-possessive.He was not the kind of man a girl would dream of, but for Sara, he was the epitome of male beauty. He was her love, and her biggest mistake. She was madly in love with him, because of that she can't leave him.
It was #toxic.

She sat on the sofa, remembering that ominous day when she first saw him. He took her off her feet the first time they met...
To be continued in Part 3

#love #heartbreak #toxic #relationship #shailvika

© Ms. Singh