

There's always a way
Hi everyone.
I’m Kelly Cole as most of you know. I am now forty years of age and living a happy life. I always didn’t have this happy life that I have now in fact no one does. When I was fourteen years old, my mother passed away and that’s when my life began to change. My family and I grieved for more than two years before we got our groove back. My dad wasn’t really around anymore because he focused more on his work, my two elder brothers focused on their writing career and I was all alone with my younger brother at that time. I had to be strong for him in fact I started taking care of him as if he was my own son. No one knew what went on the outside and I liked it that way. I didn’t blame my dad or brothers because they had to work in order for us to eat and not helping killed me inside but there was nothing I could do. Even though my dad was still a powerful in the industry, I couldn’t help but think he was no longer powerful but weak since the day my mom passed away. As time went on I began to realize that I had to work hard if I was to ever help my family and that was the beginning of my journey. Ryder became distant, he never told me what was going on and that broke me. My family was falling apart and I didn’t know what to do but then it clicked; instead of trying to fix my family, I should fix my life. I realized something broken cannot be fixed by another broken thing which was me back the so I decided to put all I’ve ever know into practice and I became the CEO of COLE INDUSTRY AND ENTERPRISE. One day I was invited to a party thrown by a few of my former high school mates and when I said I had to work, they all laughed saying that my business will fall just like my family. I got angry and started putting in more efforts not letting their words get to me and I finally became successful just like my parents. Once I was sure my life was fixed, I went on fixing my family; I called my dad and my brothers reminding them of our usual family holiday and surprisingly they decided to come home. In weeks’ time we were all together at home talking and laughing at our lives so far and it was then I knew my family was never broken, we were all just trying to keep it standing independently instead of together. Now you see guys, that’s why I am the one of the happiest and one of the most successful people in the world today.