

It was my coldest night of that year.
December. Half Moon.
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late, and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source of distress. Max was anticipated too and was keep on nudging me. I decided to follow max and my heart. I worn my cardigan and the winter boots to stroll down the woods. I kept a big metal plated torch for some illumination and as a measure of physical safety! Max lead my way. I couldn't hear the voice anymore but still held onto looking for it. As i was about to lose hope and headed for my cottage, Max found a girl.
And then i saw her, lying down, motionless, hands ice cold and skin paled. I checked her pulse. She was alright but passed out. The deadly cold was creeping under her mangled sweater which was no longer able to keep her warm forever. I immediately put her hands over my shoulder and tried to bring her over to my home. Max is my comfort and companion. We reached home and I lit the fire at my wirefood place and prepared a hot tub. Max helped me to wake her up. I helped her in bathtub and provided hot soup. Poor girl. She lost her way back home while she was sent to collect some woods with a girl group. But there was something beautifully strange about her. Her wide eyes, never seen, and her magical voice, never heard. Her hairs like a raggedy doll, her gestures as lovely as her. She didn't mutter much. Her scintillating silence was very much intriguing. Max started to wag around and sniff her. He likes her. I helped her sleep well. I could tell by looking at her face how relieved and grateful she felt. I helped her sleep well.
Next morning, as i went to check on her, she wasn't there!
I checked the bathroom. Nada! Then the patio. No sign!


Max was troubled too.
Puzzled, i came inside and sat near my coffee table to see a folded note! I opened it.
It says . . .

I was sort of in a trance in that moment.

Its been a couple of years and that eerie winter night is still on my mind.
Sitting with max, i still recall that odd december night, with a bit of shiver and a sense of being blessed.
© ArtEcstatic