

The orphan:5
While he was narrating her a bed time story she weakly headed back in her room
Padma:Hey!Every things okay?
Murty:Yeah(climbing on bed)
Padma:Where's daddy?
Murty:He is a little bit busy I just never wanted to disturb him
Padma:(kissing her forehead)Goodnight dear
As it was in the next early morning Shivay and Ishan headed to the temple when Ishan saw a statue of the Buddha
Ishan:(excitedly)Is that Buddha?
Shivay:Yes.Now go ahead and tell him anything
When Ishan removed her shoes rang the bell clasped her hands together and then she closed her eyes.As she was done they headed back home when they saw Padma who was busy cleaning the house
Ishan:(putting her hands together)Greetings
Padma:(doing the same)Greetings
Shivay:Where is Murty?She would have come running to me
Padma:(while leaving)She ready left for school
Shivay:(to Ishan)You go and take a shower while you are done I will take you to school
She went to take a shower kept on her school uniform then Padma packed her breakfast when Shivay drove her to school.As she arrived Shivay opened the door for her she got out
Shivay:(kissing her forehead)Nice studies son
At that time Murty was starring at them through their classroom window when she got angry.Ishan arrived in class but there was no one there when she saw a note on her desk
When she kept her bag on the bench and headed towards the school garden when she noticed Narayan holding two shovels
But Narayan didn't answer instead she threw a shovel at her.
Ishan:What's wrong with you?....I mean what's this for?
Narayan:You boys dig and we plant flowers.Well where are your working cloths?
Ishan:What do you mean?
Narayan:Didn't Murty tell you about it?
Ishan:No she didn't
Narayan:(while leaving)We really have a problem here
Ishan started at Murty who was on a short pink skirt,along sleeved pink by shirt,long white socks and base ball boots tied her hair in a bunny she was busy giggling and laughing with her friends.It was few minutes later when it was home time as Ishan was poured a bucket of mud from above but there was no one up there when Murty came towards her direction
Murty:Oh my Gosh!You better go and wash you look terrible
Ishan:Mind going with my bag first?
As Ishan quickly headed towards the bathroom she washed her hair and face as she went back the school bus was not there and her bag was thrown on the floor.When she picked it up and slowly began walking home though it was a distance from school.It was around evening as Murty was busy watching television when Shivay came in
Murty:Good evening father
Shivay:Where is Ishan?
Murty:I don't know while on our way here he got off the bus I tried to stop him but he never listened
Shivay:Lying!You are lying Ishan can never do that
Padma:What's going on here?
Shivay:Where is Ishan ?
Padma:Well who cares as long as Murty is home every things fine
When they heard a knock on the door Shivay quickly went to open the door and there was Ishan who was tired and weak
Shivay:(starring at his clothes)What happened to you son?Are you okay?
But Ishan answered nothing instead he knelt down and began crying
Shivay:Ishan is every thing okay son?
Ishan:(sobbing)Please take me back to the orphanage
When Shivay hugged her
Shivay:It's okay every things okay.I understand how you feel.