

Muddled head wants a BREAK
IT is said that Everything Happens For A Reason.
sometimes, I'm unable to understand the fucking reason . If you always do good to others and you ain't getting any satisfactory results thereafter then it's not easy for me to comprehend that all those goodness done were only matching with the idiom ,"Do good and forget it".
We often would predict ourselves as an idiot on always believing that doing good ,brings good .But, I myself feel , or can say I felt helping others in need of being compassionate to people isn't a bad thought . Forthpresent, I feel I was completely wrOng. When even after putting the efforts you get the defeats every single time the motivation shrinks and slowly disappears.
Some good happen in life, people are like;- this is destiny it was meant to happen .Oh great , Then what was I ? A jotterhead or something to work hard for gaining that damn thing which you morons decide to be a destiny.
when some Ill happens , We feel most often , very sad and distressed thinking that why this bad things happens with us only but somewhere there are some cases I have gone through where I found that yes! The things I went through had it own reasons which I deemed later .,So , a bit muddled me with a bewildered head is just trying to perceive that phrase.Any suggestions or answers to my goofy question is welcome.

© Mishraiin