

My Experiments and Experiences in Real World(Ch 4 My mind vs myself)
The next day, I realized that my restless mind was sabotaging my life. It seemed to be working against me. As was my habit, I turned to my cousin, who always comes to my rescue during tough times. She suggested that instead of wasting my time on trivial thoughts while I was on a social media fast, I should focus on more productive ideas, such as ways to invest my money, which would serve as a safety net during difficult times. We had a good one-hour conversation over the phone.

After that, I decided to continue my fast. However, my mind swung to the other extreme. I sought solitude, choosing to remain silent and accept things as they were professionally until I found valid solutions. This brought me a bit of solace.

At the same time, I learned the value of patience and acceptance. By not forcing immediate solutions and allowing myself to sit with my thoughts, I found a new sense of peace. This balance between active planning and mindful acceptance brought a newfound harmony to my life. It was a reminder that sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a step back and allow things to unfold naturally.
© Haniya kaur