

Jo Mend P.3
(A first-class murder story)

I plugged the USB drive into my laptop and found a series of emails between Mr. Johnson and a man named Victor.

The emails revealed that Victor had been blackmailing Mr. Johnson.

"This could be the motive," I said. "We need to find Victor."


Flashback: Jo Mend's School Days

They said it all started when the ambitious Jo Mend was still studying. Jo Mend and Mr. Johnson's daughter, Clara, were classmates.

Jo Mend's father Ramon is a hardworking construction worker, known for his dedication and integrity, always putting in long hours to provide for his family.

Her daughter , despite her father's efforts, was never content with their modest lifestyle.

Jo Mend was envious of her classmates who wore the latest fashion, had the newest gadgets, and lived in grand houses.

© Atty. Catherine S. Pariño. 2024. All Rights Reserved