

Jackie and Karen
The two girls left the nightclub at 2am a little bit worse for wear, trying to get a taxi home was proving impossible, so giggling and stumbling they attempted to take there shoes off and walk home, Jackie face planted the ground as she leant over, gravity took over and she lay on the floor laughing, Karen tried to pick her up but fell down next to her laughing at the state they were in.
Suddenly a car drew up beside them, a man jumped out and pushed a cloth over their noses, both girls struggled but quickly became motionless.
Jackie awoke and opened her eyes, her throat was really dry and her head thumping, she looked around but Karen was nowhere to be seen.
The man walked through the door and smiled, Jackie tried to sit up but found she was firmly tied to the bed, she asked where's Karen, the man said Karen was most helpful, she served her purpose, Jackie said what do you mean served as the drill started up and bore into her skull.

# Not for the fainthearted # Horror

© The Imposter 💚🙏