

There is something I would like to say about the tension between Christians and people apart of the LGBTQIA. ⚠️I mean this in ABSOLUTLY NO HARMFUL WAY!! ⚠️Now I am apart of the LGBTQIA community. (people who are too comment ‘Hi’) And this bugs me so much. When people think of the Bible and of the LQBTQIA they think that we aren’t believers in Christ and that we follow satan.( Now I’m not saying that every Christian thinks this because some don’t. and I’m not judging them, it’s just something that’s bugs the crap out of me. ) People say that it’s a sin to be Gay or Bisexual. Well it does not state in the Bible ANYWHERE that it’s a sin. It is a sin to sleep with the SAME gender. and I know people are going to be like “it’s not something you should take literally, it’s a sin to be apart of the lgbtqia period!” In my eyes it is something you have to take literally because it is such a sensitive subject. And I know people are going to be mad at me for talking about this, but it hurts when your around people who say stuff like “It’s such a shame that he’s part of the LGBTQIA community!” or “People who are Gay should be with Satan!”……. It hurts because they make people who are Christian and apart of the LGBTQIA feel like God doesn’t love them, when he does. God doesn’t care about you sexuality, your race, your gender. he loves you for who YOU ARE!! and that’s something to keep in mind when you hear people critizing the LQBTQIA. now don’t go up to them and be disrespectful. and if you do choose to go up to somebody and let them know how you feel, then be nice about it, don’t go up to them and be hateful. just go up to the with up most respect. I do have more to say but I won’t say it up here. Thank you all for reading! I hope you have a blessed Day/afternoon/night, wherever you may be!

May god bless you and give you the wisdom and understanding to understand his word. AMEN!!