

"Possessively Protective" , she snorts. Emphasizing that there is a difference between jealousy and the afore mentioned state. "Unfortunately, I cannot watch while someone else tries to make a move on the man I love so dearly. "Hun, she knows that I love you, I would never allow.... " She heard him mumble something and slowly his words faded into the distance. However, she knew that situations that cannot be controlled can be controlled by the mind. " My love, despite my ability to keep calm, (should an experience like that ever happen) , I do warn you that I will be instinctively precise. And my inability therefore, solely relies on the weight in my hand or my heart. If you were smart, you would know which one would make me happier. So, as you've marked me yours, stamping your love on our Sunday walks, date nights, family dinners, fancy restaurants, my neck, my love and in my most delicate places, I dare think it is fair I do the very same, don't you think hmm? . Marking my territory includes you, my love. In every sense. What makes me human is that I can feel every emotion. Bull the load that says your own conscience will tell you what is right and what is wrong! In the very first place. When you start questioning. I am very well aware that doubt is inevitable. " I, therefore, speak in solodarity of all women who monagomously chooses to love. But, More so, myself. Jealousy is apprehended as nastiness and despise and results into hatred and anger. And I ain't have no time for that. Who wants to fight a losing battle anyway hmm? . All I do is declare. Declare what is mine. I am too lazy to fight over you. But I am sensually thrilled to fight for you".

With love. So do the right thing.