

If you lack "self-confidence",
1. Confront your fear
There is no shortcut to gaining confidence. You have to face your fears.
You may fail initially and feel uncomfortable but who cares.
Reprogram your subconscious mind by confronting your fears

2. Dress Sharp:
If you look nice, you automatically feel confident.
By dressing well you will start to feel much better and the same can be seen on your face.
Practice the art of style and get some interesting clothes that fit well on your body.

3. Get Physical:
Your body has a powerful influence on your mood.
Every time you complete your workout, your brain sends a signal that includes a sense of achievement which boosts your confidence directly.

4. Focus on Good Body Language:
Keep your chin up, back straight, chest out, and stand straight without covering your neck.
These are the some of the hacks that can lead to a person believing that he is feeling confident.

5. Own Your Strength:
Your self-confidence relies on your ability to pay attention to your talents, achievements and advantages.
By simply committing a little extra time each day to remind yourself of your strength, you can boost your self-esteem and build that confidence.

6. Don't try to fit in:
It is the greatest barrier in the path of the confidence.
It is not your job to think what other gonna think about you.
They will laugh at you, they will mock you but in the end, they will use you as an example.

7. Imagine Yourself at Your Best:
Put yourself in your best shape and at the most successful.
How do you look?
How do you move?

After imagine yourself in this situation, you will see that you enter a state of high confidence and feel much more energetic.

© Robin Sir (Math Specialist)