

Time To Laugh Episode 7
1: Guys be like: I will give you my everything 🤲
Their Everything: 🍆

2:Did you know that when chewing gum
your stomach will be like wtf is he eating
and why is it not coming down!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

3: In my life, I won't drink beer again. I and my friends drank a few bottles of beer last night and up till this moment, we are still searching for me in the bar.

4: If u ever want to hide something away from Arsenal FC. Just put it in the champions league😑😑

5: The only way most ladies support their boyfriends is...wait, let me put it by myself before you injure me🙄🙄

6: A cockroach last words to a man “go ahead and kill me you coward....